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Chido [archived]

npm package for creating static site generator

Open Source

(December 2018 - March 2019)

Checkout what I did

What I learned

  • The ins and outs of a static site generator.
  • Better chunk handling
  • How to publish and manage an npm package
  • How some of Gatsby works, since I digged a lot into the code to see how they fixed things (like how they generate an import file from the pages directory)
  • To create router based on the components within itself, since I had to know where were dynamic files.
  • To hanlde webpack configuration a little bit better.
  • To write documentation.

What it is?

It's a static site generator that let's you use dynamic urls (was not restrictive as Gatsbys dynamic routing) but when I was finishing it I saw that react-static API changes allowed me to do the same things I wanted, so I dropped my project and started using react-static instead.`